My name is Anastasia Mosina. I'm 30 years old. I'm a stage eurythmist. I live in Saint-Petersburg, Russia and work as a eurythmist in the MUZA Duo together with Stanislav Tatlok. We have our own "Eurythmy Space", where we practice, create stage eurythmy productions, give eurythmy courses and conduct various activities, related to anthroposophy and other modern practices.
I have been doing eurythmy for 9 years and I find eurythmy as a very deep, beautiful, plastic and incredibly difficult art of movement.
My love for movement and artistry began at an early age. But, I started dancing professionally for the first time only at an age of 14, when I firmly realized that I want to develop my motion abilities. My love for dance and my efforts were so strong, that after two years of training, I was already included in one of the main show ballets of my native city of Kostroma. I danced in show ballet for 7 years. For many years I worked also as a choreographer at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and in summer time I worked as an instructor of aerobics and water aerobics.
An interesting set of circumstances through important people led me to eurythmy and anthroposophy at an age of 21 for the first time in my life, when I graduated from Kostroma State University of Pedagogy and Psychology with a specialty in "Special preschool pedagogy and psychology" and when the dance did not satisfy my spiritual needs anymore. I wanted to learn something more and longed to meet my teacher-mentor. Fortunately, I was very lucky, and I found it, already being a student of the 1st year of eurythmy education in St. Petersburg. The name of my first eurythmy and spiritual teacher is Anja Riska. I sincerely thank heaven for our meeting and the knowledge she has put into me. It was Anja who instilled a love for eurythmy as the higher modern art of movement. Her lessons, filled with endless creative energy, opened up a new world, previously unknown to me.
Eurythmy has enriched my worldview and attitude, opened new colors, expanded the facets of my being. I am in a continuous process of transformation and development of new mental and physical qualities and this process is endless.
Through the art of eurythmy, I can express myself, talk about the pressing problems of humanity, bring people closer to the spiritual world and develop spirituality in them. Eurythmy can teach people to the beautiful, open them to the invisible subtle worlds and develop artistic perception in them. And this is just a small fraction of the potential of the art of eurythmy.
I had an interesting path as a eurythmy student. My eurythmy education began in St. Petersburg, continued in Finland, and ended in Switzerland (Eurythmeum CH, Aesch). I have met many wonderful teachers who have put a part of themselves into me. And I'm very grateful to them.
Marraskuun blogin kirjoittajana toimi Anastasia Mosina (s.02.07.1989); näyttämö-eurytmisti.
Vuoden 2019 Blogit koskevat kysymystä: Miksi eurytmia? Eurythmy Channel Helsinki on pyytänyt tähän kysymykseen vastausta 12 eri ihmiseltä ja he kertovat blogeissaan omakohtaisen näkemyksensä asiasta.